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Babcock Hill Fun Show

  • Babcock Hill Horses Naturally LLC. 577 Babcock Hill Rd Coventry, CT 06238 (map)


  1. Leadline Equitation

  2. Leadline Pleasure

  3. Walk/Trot Equitation (Diagonals DO count)

  4. Walk/Trot Pleasure (Diagonals DON'T count)

  5. Equitation

  6. Pleasure

  7. Walk/Trot Ground Poles Equitation

  8. Walk/Trot Ground Poles Pleasure

  9. Ground Poles Equitation

  10.  Ground Poles Pleasure

  11.  Walk/Trot Crossrails* Equitation

  12.  Walk/Trot Crossrails* Pleasure

  13.  Crossrails* Equitation

  14.  Crossrails* Pleasure
    *18" or less for crossrails
    3,4,7,8 Division- 5,6,9,10 Division

    TRAIL (will run after each flat class level)

  15.  Leadline Trail

  16.  Walk/Trot-Jog Trail

  17.  Trail


  18.  Trot Arena Race

  19.  Arena Race

  20.  Trot Cloverleaf

  21.  Clover Leaf

  22.  Trot Pole bending

  23.  Pole bending

  24.  Trot Surprise Pattern

  25.  Surprise Pattern
    18,20,22,24 Division - 19, 21, 23, 25 Division

    DRESSAGE – please specify traditional or western (times will be assigned)

  26.  Intro A/1

  27.  Intro B/2

  28.  Intro C/3

  29.  Intro 4 (western only)

  30.  Training/Basic 1

  31.  Training/Basic 2

  32.  Training/Basic 3

  33.  Basic 4 (western only)

  34.  First Level 1

  35.  First Level 2

  36.  First Level 3

  37.  First Level 4 (western only)



  1. No show clothes/tack necessary, but we do ask that you turn out nicely. All riders must wear boot with small heel. All riders under 18yo MUST wear ASTM/SEI certified helmet while mounted.

  2. Draw reins, side reins, neck stretchers and other such training devices prohibited, while competing.

  3. Any unruly, unhealthy or unsound horses will be disqualified at judges discretion.

  4. Any treatment of a horse, that is considered cruel, unnecessary, or abusive will be asked to leave, disqualified and a report may be filed.

  5. Current (within 1 year) Rabies and Coggins certificates required.

  6. Anyone under 13yo, must have an adult (over 18yo) supervising at all times.

  7. All lead line handlers do need to be over the age of 13yo and have horse experience.

  8. No Dogs on property during event, for safety of all.

  9. This is a Smoke Free facility.

  10. Ribbons 1-6 will be awarded.

  11. Have fun!


Entry Fees: $15/ class, $50/ division, $25/ dressage test, $15 office fee per rider. $25 late fee if not registered 7 days before show.

Entry Form

Earlier Event: March 6
Intro to Jumping
Later Event: October 30
🎃Halloween Fun Ride